
Silenrea: Chains of Creation 2

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Silenrea's avatar

Literature Text

“So, Illaria. You promised us all it would be a simple matter. And here you are, returning with your tail hanging between your failed miserably. On top of that, you ran away. Ha! Sad effort for such a powerful Abra as you so boasted...”

“Be silent! I did not ask for your input you worthless sub-intellectual scumpile!”

“Oh? But I never need you to ask, the fact that you ran away says it all, no?”

“The Houndoom was perfect! Strong and dependable, he should have succeeded! And besides, I don't see you getting off your lazy butt and doing something to make progress. Nor do I see you dealing with that Latias and her friend.”

“For someone so intelligent, you seem to know so little of my workings. I have my own little soldier in the making to send out. And she will do far better than your efforts. Her mind was especially easy to shape to my desires. Better yet, she remained more sentient. Now who is the sub-intellectual?”

How dare you s-

Enough! The pair of you stop it, for your petty bickering tires me. The fact remains that you failed, Illaria. And you shall be punished. Fortunately for you, the information you provided shall lessen the severity. This game of chess just got more interesting...”

Chapter 2 – Unforeseen Departure

After the battle against the Houndoom and Abra, of which her name remains unknown to the pair, Silenrea lead Psyquareon to her Secret Haven. It is the name she gave it due to the fact it is not only a hidden little paradise, but it is so secret that none can get to it unless they have been guided by the Latias herself.

A large expanse of grass and flowers covers the area like a massive garden which is the shape of a circle. The diametre is about five hundred metres across. In the very centre is an odd stone pedestal of sorts with a pattern running down the sides with intricate details carved into it. The top surface is completely flat and is adorned with odd runes of sorts.

The day she came to the area, Silenrea had touched the very middle rune, not knowing what it does. Seemingly nothing had happened so she left, but then had an odd feeling...and it was that she knew the location where she came from. No Pokemon or creatures would manage to reach it either, she observed that when they got close, it was like they didn't even realise they turned direction and headed another though they met a barrier which diverts them away unnoticeably.

No one would think that an area as large as this, that flying above it would make the location an easy thing to notice and get to. But the pedestal also creates the illusion of there being nothing but trees, rocks and other assorted things. A complete cover over and this is part of the barrier also, allowing secrecy.

Presently, there is a sculpture of sorts atop of the pedestal. One that is finely crafted and is a beautiful thing to behold. It is of a Latias, more specifically...of Silenrea. It was crafted by a friend...a Latios she met.

That day, what had started out as an ordinary stone was made it into lapis lazuli by the male Eon. The blue mineral was then crafted and shaped by him, and changed. Eventually, the lapis became a very brilliant, glassy red and the areas where a Latias is white, has a faint glow of light. Finally the eyes...they look like pure gold, with a sparkle of light emitting from them. The wings both have the word 'Silenrea' written into them very faintly. However are visible when looking closely at it.

Over at one side of the large area is a rather big pond. But the interesting thing about the pond is how it is formed. An underground flow of water manages to constantly flow up somehow and fills a very large rock pool, which the water flows out of and into another four or so smaller rock pools. These flow into another two rockpools and they get smaller and eventually into the pond.

Over by a tree, Silenrea rests still undisturbed for the moment. She and Psyquareon had rested together by the tree as they recovered. But when the Latias' eyelids withdraw back and reveal her golden irises...she notices right away that the Eeveelution is not where he was prior to when she went to sleep.

She looks up and around before noticing him over by the aforementioned pond, his gaze being into the slightly rippling water. The only disturbance to the water's surface being from the water flowing in.

The female Eon lifts up into the air and floats over towards him, her mind wondering how long he has been there. And furthermore, she ponders over what is going through his mind. Considering what that Abra said it would not be unlikely that his thoughts are focused upon her.

“Hey, Psyquareon? You okay? How long have you been here?” she asks softly as she gets within earshot of the other Pokemon. He is completely unresponsive at first and then he finally speaks.
“I've been here long enough...” he says softly, in fact he had barely slept at all. He takes a deep breath and continues.
“I failed...” the Latias is a little confused, but he then continues. “I said, no...I promised, that I would be there to help fight. I said I would...but I didn't.”

He growls angrily and then turn to face Silenrea, his face showing sadness and anger.
“I broke my promise. I just stood there, frozen in place. And it tears me up inside that I made you face that...that thing, alone.” he shakes his head and whimpers.

Silenrea moves forward and pets her friend on the head gently with a single paw, trying to comfort him. He murrs lightly in response to this, and then she speaks in a calm tone, trying to help him also be calm.

“ all fairness, you had a massive piece of information dropped on you. There is no way that you could have truly put your heart into the battle in that situation. could have gotten hurt. I think it was best that I handled it alone that time. can help in the next battle, most likely you will be at peak performance too.” she nods.

He then nods slowly, taking the Latias' words in and then sighs.
“Next's my time. I will not fail to be of use and I will make up for it. That is my new promise. A promise I intend to keep.” he looks at Silenrea with eyes filled with sheer determination.

The Eon could not only see his determination and will to do good on his word, she could sense it in his emotions to an extent. She smiles and starts to float left of him.
“We had best head out then. If we're going to try find answers about you and your connection to that Abra, we won't find anything by waiting around.” she then continues on her way, expecting Psyquareon to follow.

He sits there for a moment and then pads along behind the Latias, figuring she is indeed right about what she says, and he is quite eager to try get to the bottom of this. His mind plays the scene constantly within his mind. From the moment the Abra said she knew him and others.

Silenrea speaks softly as they make their way out through the forest that surrounds her Secret Haven. She just wants to be sure he is okay, considering he didn't rest very much.
“So, overall how are you feeling? I assume you didn't get much sleep at all.” she turns her head to look at him as they go.

He responds in a low voice, not wanting to speak very loud at all as he has become quite cautious ever since yesterday.
“I am feeling quite fine, Silenrea. Thank you for your concern. But you are right...I didn't get much sleep. I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep because of how much those words bother me...”

The Latias listens to her friend speak, she cannot say she is pleased that he didn't sleep much, but it could not be helped. What is done is done, and it is understandable that he would have such problems after an encounter like that.

As they finally make their way out of the forest, the Eeveelution looks around for a moment and then speaks once again.
“So, how do we go about it anyway? Getting information.” the female Eon smiles and giggles, looking at him.
“Well, we ask around. There are many Pokemon out there so it seems very unlikely that they would not notice any unusual activity. Word spreads when things start to go bad and rumours will accompany as such.”

Silenrea flies higher into the air and looks around for a direction that she believes could be a good central spot for Pokemon to gather which would give a range of Pokemon from all around.
“The meadow between this forest and the next should be perfect.” she calls down. “There is a river that flows near it so there will even be water Pokemon to ask if they know anything.”

She flies back down and smiles at Psyquareon, the Eeveelution actually looking very optimistic after the news of that large area with plenty of Pokemon to get answers to questions and try uncover more.

He is about to speak but turns his head to look towards a group in the distance closing in on them quite fast. Four Pokemon...but it is not possible to know what they are at this point. Soon they approach the pair. It is seen there to be a Scyther, Luxray, Breloom and Kirlia.

They all seem harmless and do not give off the sense of hostilitiy towards them, as hostility would be immediately detected by the Latias. So it would seem they are just here for a reason, or just happened to be coming by.

“Umm...hello.” Silenrea speaks softly to the other Pokemon. Psyquareon, meanwhile, has moved to the Eon's side and sits himself there. His eyes study the four newcomer Pokemon and tries to assess what they want, but not having much luck on his own due to lack of psychic prowess at this point.

The Scyther moves forward and makes a motion with his bladed arms to try and have them come along with them. Apparently they want the Latias and Eeveelution to follow them and come somewhere.

Silenrea is dubious about this and starts to scan over them quickly, when she moves onto the emotions...they are non-existent. And immediately the flash in her mind is an image of the Houndoom they met. It's exactly the same as the Houndoom, but these Pokemon are more calm.

The Latias, rather than letting it be known they are not fooling her, moves forward as if about to comply with them, before she opens her maw and a bright beam shoots out, slamming into the flying bug type.

It is an Ice Beam attack, and the impact is severe. Not only did it knock the Scyther out, but encased him in a solid block of ice which glitters in the sunlight...even as it falls backwards and slams onto the ground, the Scyther on his back within the ice.

The other three Pokemon don't even flinch, it's as though they are simply mindless drones with a pre-set programming. Or...they know something the Eon and her ally do not, most likely both. The Latias moves back quickly to be beside her friend again.

Suddenly there is a slight rustling in a tree in the forest behind them, and Silenrea turns to look quickly only to see many strands of white fluid shooting towards her and Psyquareon. Before she can even react, the substance hits them both. It's Spider Web, and it has immobilised the pair of Pokemon.

It is at this point the Ariados is finally visible and it comes closer to them. With the Latias and Psyquareon unable to move, the other Pokemon seem to move into position. Silenrea observes and studies their movements...but then tries to move her paw to see if she can cut free, however she finds she cannot move. She doesn't want to attack until the intentions are clear. They have only used something to stop them fleeing...there is no proof they will hurt them.

The Kirlia starts to chant, immediately getting the attention of both Silenrea and Psyquareon. To the Latias, it sounds familiar and that she is certain it has a purpose...remembering what that purpose is, however, eludes her.

She doesn't have long to ponder over it, as the Ariados attacks by shooting out a spray of needles of sorts...Pin Missile. The Latias lets out a cry of pain as the attack really hurts her because she was not aware of it she could not brace for the impact.

Psyquareon sees this and starts to struggle against the binds, trying to get free and stop the attack on his friend.
“No! Silenrea!” he shouts as he tries to move his head to bite at the web holding him, but he cannot reach.

The Breloom has been simply standing there with his eyes shut, concentrating intently for the moment. The Luxray's body has been starting to spark and glow a little as she gathers more electricity and charges herself up. All of this happened at the same time of the Pin Missile attack. They have it all planned out, it seems.

After a moment, the Eon lets out another cry and a barrier is formed to block the incoming attack, At the same time...a slash of psychic energy is seen and the webbing is sliced off her and Psyquareon. She hastily flies up into the air, then looks down at the Breloom and Luxray, whom are close together.

She immediately unleashes a burst of energy from her maw at them, a Dragon Pulse attack. The Breloom leaps backwards and the Luxray to the left...avoiding the attack. At the same time, Psyquareon has made a move on the Kirlia, attempting to tackle her.

In the moment of the Latias' attack, the Ariados has moved position, up in a tree now. She shoots out a String Shot from a position Silenrea could not see, ensnaring her in thick sticky silk. She struggles in vain, pitting her physical strength against it.

The Kirlia stops chanting, it's effect is already in place, and uses Double Team. This makes Psyquareon pass through an illusion.
“Damn it...” he then is hit by Magical Leaf from the Kirlia and she still maintains the Double Team.

With their target immobilised yet again, the Breloom crouches and then springs upward, leaping towards the Eon. His claws glow a very light blue and delivers a powerful Sky Uppercut, causing Silenrea to cry out in pain again. But then the assaulter quickly shifts position and presses his feet against her body and springs off her with a kick to get out of the way.

The reason is because immediately after, the Luxray unleashes her Thunderbolt attack up at the already battered and beaten Latias. As the electrical attack surges through her body, a memory is triggered from Silenrea's past.

The memory is clear, she was heading to the camp where poachers had taken her brother. There were cages everywhere and the men were laughing. And then she attacked, surging out of the cover of trees and assaulted the rescue her brother.

With this memory, the Latias falls silent...and there is a different air around her. The memory surfacing from behind the wall has shifted her personality temporarily for this battle. She is in a rage...but a calm one. Psychic energy expands outward and snaps the String Shot off her. She proceeds to observe and nothing more, this in itself would be a reason to suspect she is up to something.

Psyquareon gets back up from the previous attack and closes his eyes, focusing and sensing where the Kirlia is. He soon figures out which one is real and launches at the psychic type and uses Bite. The psychic type lets out a pained shrill as the powerful jaws are clamping onto her left shoulder. The illusionary copies vanish.

The Breloom lands next to the Luxray and then the electric type roars out and the Kirlia teleports to the other two Pokemon. Ariados uses String Shot on a distant tree and slingshots herself over to the others. They all look up at the Latias, the Eon looking a little spaced out.

A white ball of light forms in front of the Kirlia's head and the Breloom opens his mouth to reveal energy gathering there. The Luxray's body begins to spark a lot more, gathering electricity to use. The Ariados' eyes start to glow a little bit as she readies her attack.

Psyquareon, looking for where the Kirlia went, ends up realising where they all are...and what they are doing. He can tell they are targeting Silenrea with all their attacks. He swore he would make it up to the Latias.
“No!” he yells and dashes forward with impressive speed.

The attacks are all launched at once. The Kirlia releases a rainbow-colored beam of light, a Signal Beam attack. It would only be logical to have such an attack when going against another Psychic, playing to the weaknesses. At the same time, the Ariados shoots out a black energy from her eyes. It wavers and moves like electricity, Night Shade. The Breloom blasts a powerful Hyper Beam and the Luxray uses Thunderbolt once again.

The attacks all merge together in a massive blast of energy. Swirling in rainbow colours and black. It is beautiful, but also very deadly as a combined attack. Psyquareon acts purely out of friendship and leaps into the air, creating a sphere of psychic energy around himself as a barrier...and has launched himself into the path of destruction.

The combined attacks slam into the barrier and the Eeveelution is straining to hold the barrier up. But it only manages to last for a few seconds before it shatters, and to his horror...he is subjected to the full strength of the attacks. He screams out in agony, he has never experienced something so painful before.

But...he succeeded. He shielded Silenrea from the attack, and the other Pokemon cease their attacks and watch the Psyquareon fall and hit the ground with a dull thud. His body twitching greatly in pain and paralysis. He is confused and the world is spinning, due to the Signal Beam. He was subjected to immense power, two of the attacks were ones that he was vastly vulnerable to. It's a miracle he is even alive still...but definitely critically injured and needs aid immediately.

Silenrea sees this...and a rage builds even more. She screams out in anger and surges forward with incredible speed, a white and red blur of fury. Within a few seconds, she delivers a Dragon Claw attack to the Luxray, Kirlia, Ariados and Breloom. The foes are knocked down immediately, but not out of this battle yet. Even the Kirlia, it is impressive she is still going.

The Latias, still a blur, rushes over to Psyquareon and he vanishes with her. She is holding him in her arms, and then she diverts right back up into the sky. She stops, cradling the Eeveelution within her grasp. She growls and a dark hole starts to form right above her head, it starts to get bigger.

Just as the enemies are starting to get back up in a bit of a daze from being hit so fast and hard, comets and meteors come shooting out of the hole and rain down upon them. It is a powerful and devastating Draco Meteor attack. And the many projectiles slam directly into the four Pokemon's position.

Dust and dirt immediately fills the air upon every impact made, eventually the attack stops and Silenrea looks down upon the results. The dust settles...and four Pokemon are now completely unconscious. The over.

The past memory that had surfaced fades away once more, disappearing from her mind. She knows that something made her personality change for the battle to help her, but she now has no clue what it was. Every trace of it is concealed once more. She looks at Psyquareon and uses Wish on him to heal him a bit.

“Psyquareon?” she whimpers softly and turns around to head straight back to her Secret Haven. She cannot believe this, they only just left it and now she has to return to it and let her friend rest and recover from the brutal attack he endured.

Once inside, she places him down upon some soft grass and waits for him to awaken fully, he is still out of it from the massive blow. His eyes soon open and he looks up at the Latias.
“H-Hey...Silenrea. Is it...over?” he says softly.

Silenrea starts to cry, sadness and joy that he is okay. She nods and smiles a little.
“'s over. You need to rest for a bit though. We'll head off when you are better. For now, I'm going to check outside for anyone else. You'll be safe here.”

The Eeveeltion nods and rests his head, closing his eyes once more. The Eon flies off and leaves him there in the sanctuary where he can rest and be at ease with none to get to him. She heads out of the forest and starts to think. She knows now that she and Psyquareon are targets. But she cannot figure out why, and the pieces of the puzzle are not yet found. She is at a loss.

She remains out there, thinking for a long time, before a very familiar shout of distress is heard.
“Psyquareon...” she gasps and turns around. She flies straight for where she left him.
“Psyquareon!” she screams and then arrives in the area, her eyes scanning around. Her gone.

“I-Impossible. No! This can't be right. This place is not able to be reached unless I bring them here.” she starts to think quickly for an explaination.
“It must have been them. They probably found a way to get in and...oh Psyquareon. I'm so sorry...I never should have left you here.” she whimpers and lowers to the ground where he was previously resting.

“It's all my fault...I let you down. Psyquareon...” she then growls and glares up at the sky.
“That's it! They can attack me and hurt me, send an army after me. But when they take my friends from me, that is crossing the line! I'm going to find you, Psyquareon...I swear it!”

She remembers about the place they were planning to head to, in order to get information. She feels that now, more than ever, she has to get there and try locate this mysterious group that has possibly taken her friend. It might not have been them, she doesn't know for certain. But it is the only lead she has.

With a set goal and a reason to move onward with the quest to find these unknown enemies, the Latias vanishes in a blur as she makes a direct route towards the meadow between the two forests. She can only hope and pray that she will find the answers she seeks, in order to locate and rescue her lost friend... it is. The long-awaited Chapter 2. I didn't get it as large as Chapter 1, but I put a lot of effort into it nonetheless. So I hope it meets expectations.

And now I rest and take a break from writing for a little while. I don't want to overdo it.

Edit: I made a mistake in there. I am so embarrassed...
But it is fixed now. ^^;
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Latiflare's avatar
you have perfect writing skills, and i like it alot